

Benign Urethral Tumours
Urethral cancer
Male urethral cancer
Female urethral cancer
  1. List benign tumours of the urethra
  2. Describe the pT staging of urethral cancer
  3. What are risk factors for male urethral cancer?
  4. What is the most common histology in male urethral cancer?
  5. What is the most common site of involvement in male urethral cancer?
  6. What is the lymphatic drainage pattern of the male urethra?
  7. What is the recommended margin for partial penectomy in male urethral cancer?
  8. What is the lymphatic drainage pattern of the female urethra?
  9. What is the most common histology of female urethral carcinoma? Female urethral carcinoma in a diverticulum?
  10. What is the differential diagnosis of a palpable anterior vaginal mass?
  11. What is the management of female urethral cancer?
  1. List benign tumours of the urethra
    1. Leiomyoma
    2. Hemangioma
    3. Fibroepithelial polyp
  2. Describe the pT staging of urethral cancer
    • TX: Primary tumor cannot be assessed
    • T0: No evidence of primary tumor
    • Ta: Non-invasive papillary, polypoid, or verrucous carcinoma
    • Tis: Carcinoma in situ
    • T1: invades subepithelial connective tissue
    • T2: invades corpus spongiosum, prostate, or periurethral muscle
    • T3: invades corpus cavernosum, beyond prostatic capsule, anterior vagina, or bladder neck
    • T4: invades other adjacent organs
  3. What are risk factors for male urethral cancer?
    1. Chronic inflammation
    2. Urethral stricture
    3. HPV 16 for SCC of urethra
  4. What is the most common histology in male urethral cancer?
    • Urothelial
  5. What is the most common site of involvement in male urethral cancer?
    • Bulbomembranous urethra
  6. What is the lymphatic drainage pattern of the male urethra?
    • Anterior urethra drains into the superficial and deep inguinal lymph nodes and occasionally into the external iliac lymph nodes
    • Posterior urethra drains into the pelvic lymph nodes [external iliac, internal iliac, common iliac, obturator]
  7. What is the recommended margin for partial penectomy in male urethral cancer?
    • 2cm
  8. What is the lymphatic drainage pattern of the female urethra?
    • Posterior urethra: primarily external iliac nodes and secondarily to the internal iliac/hypogastric and obturator lymph node chains
    • Anterior urethra and labia: superficial and then deep inguinal nodes
  9. What is the most common histology of female urethral carcinoma? Female urethral carcinoma in a diverticulum?
    • Squamous cell carcinoma
    • Adenocarcinoma
  10. What is the differential diagnosis of a palpable anterior vaginal mass?
    1. Urethral diverticulum
    2. Urethral cancer
    3. Urethral polyp
    4. Other benign neoplasm, such as a leiomyoma
  11. What is the management of female urethral cancer?
    • Distal 1/3 urethra
      • Superficial, exophytic, low-grade: surgical excision or radiation
    • Proximal 2/3 urethra
      • Anterior exenteration (cystourethrectomy), pelvic lymph node dissection, and wide vaginal or complete vaginal excision